Handling the End of a Membership

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Handling the End of a Membership

You have a number of ways to handle the end of a member's membership:

Inactivate the member

Set Terminate Billing to At Next Due Date or At Contract Date


A member will be denied entry to the club if any of the following is true:

Payment is due (the member’s due date has been reached).

Member has an Alert.

Member’s Billing Status is set to anything other than “Active”.

The Terminate Billing flag specifies a trigger to stop billing a member

If a member does not have a contract (month-to-month or paid-in-full membership) then Terminate Billing should be set to Never.

If the member has a contract but the contract length is basically a minimum commitment then Terminate Billing should also be set to Never.

If a member’s billing will end at the end the contract (e.g. they must sign a new contract after 12 months) then Terminate Billing should be set to At Contract End.

If the member will be terminating before the end of his contract or he has no contract and has decided to drop his membership, then Terminate Billing should be set to At Due Date.  At the member’s Due Date, his Billing Status will be changed to “Terminated” and he will no longer be billed or allowed entry.